Saturday, January 26, 2013

AACTA Awards in Sydney

AACTA Awards - Pyrmont, Sydney - Wednesday, 30th January
Russell Crowe has done a great job in generating some publicity for the AACTA Awards coming up this week in Sydney. There will be a beer in that for good old Russ. The lunch is planned for tomorrow (well, you've got to eat), with the Awards Ceremony taking place on Wednesday.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nobody cares about being Australian anymore?

Nobody cares about being Australian anymore?

It’s a big juicy long weekend this weekend and the best bit is it is Australia Day on Saturday. Do try to get yourself off to an official Australia Day Sydney celebration as the politicians and media will start complaining and worrying that nobody cares about being Australian anymore. Just click the link below for what's on:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pop Up Bar at the Sydney Opera House

Pop Up Bar - Sydney Opera House down Mexico Way - to Monday, 28th January

There's this little Cantina place, you might know it, it's the one with the great view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, anyway, I was standing there enjoying my Margarita when this guy came up to me and said "Hola, Como estas" so I said, "Do you speak-a my language?" He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich ..

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sydney Festival in Parramatta

Parra Opening Party - Sydney Festival - Saturday, 19th January

The Sydney Festival is finding its way into the heart of Sydney. Sydney's number one festival is coming to party in Parramatta. Rokia Traore, whose performances in Sydney have sold out, will be there along with Pyrophone Juggernaut (a huge multi-octave fire organ) and, just quietly, the Megaphone Project.

For more on the Sydney Festival

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hawkesbury International Sand Sculpting Championships is on Now!

An international field of sculptures are battling it out, right now, right there, as we speak. Who will create the greatest ‘Fairy tale and Fable’ of them all? It's artist against artist, sand against man (and woman), creativity against heat, sheer will power against gravity, that the battle is on, lines have been drawn in the sand and there is no going back!!

Too much excitement?

If this all sounds a bit too exciting don't worry, the competition is scheduled to come to a close tomorrow. After that it will get more relaxed so you can inspect the competition entries at your leisure and vote on the most worthy one.  

What about the kids?

The kids will enjoy the sculptures but there should also be sand art and bottles, a huge sand pit complete with diggers and sand sculpting workshops.

Hawkesbury International Sand Sculpting Championships

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Top 10 Summer things to do in Sydney

We have just had our five minutes on fame on 2UE radio. What do you mean you missed it? Well, we weren't on long. Email them and demand our return! This is what you missed:

Top 10 Summer things to do in Sydney